Hope Lives

Mobilizing Churches For Effective Ministry

Encouraging, Educating, and Equipping for Evangelism Around the Globe

Salem Radio Broadcast

Tune in to our Salem Radio broadcast for powerful sermons by Pastor Mark Finley. Get inspired and request free booklets to grow in faith.

Hope Lives 365 YouTube Channel

Explore 200+ sermons on our Hope Lives 365 YouTube channel. Stay connected in faith

Encourage. Educate. Equip.

Our evangelistic association is specifically designed to encourage, educate, and equip pastors and lay leaders in the art of personal and public evangelism. We accomplish this in four ways:

Pastoral Retreats

Our pastoral retreats are times of reflective Bible Study, evangelistic training, creative planning, warm fellowship, and invigorating relaxation. In each session we focus on helping spiritual administrators, pastors, and lay leaders reach their full 
potential in ministry for Christ.

There are daily class sessions, time set aside for physical activities, and opportunities for personal interaction. We serve a tasty nutritious plant-based menu modeling for our guests a healthy diet.

Radio &
Social Media Ministry

Our national radio program Hope Lives 365 covers 13 major 
markets in the United States with a potential listening audience 
of 100 million people. From Los Angeles, California to Orlando,
Florida tens of thousands of people listen to Hope Lives 365 five
days a week.

Our You Tube Ministry by the same name, Hope Lives 365, can be viewed in over 100 countries. Currently we have over 260,000 subscribers. Each month between 700,000 and one million people listen to our broadcasts. You can find us by logging on to You Tube Hope Lives 365 or Mark Finley Hope Lives 365. Recently over ten million Chinese speaking people around the world downloaded our series on Revelation’s prophecies.

Health Ministries
Outreach & Resources

Our health ministries are making an impact in the lives of thousands around the world. My wife Teenie's book, Secrets of Wellness and her Natural Lifestyle Cookbook and Workbook are making a significant difference in people’s health and well-being. We produce multiple resources for pastors and lay people including Bible Study guides, Biblical Seminars, Health Outreach 
materials, Evangelistic Meeting Sermons and graphics, and revival resources for local congregations.

Resources & Materials

One of our goals is to produce relevant, user friendly, cost 
effective, proven community outreach materials for pastors and 
lay people. Our Revelation of Hope sermon series has been 
translated into multiple languages and is being used by hundreds
of pastors and lay people around the world. Three of my recent 
books, Understanding Daniel and Revelation, The World’s Next 
Superpower, and Hope’s End Time Secrets focus on the times 
we are living in and explain current events in the light of Bible 

Community Outreach Seminars

Each year the Hope Lives Evangelistic Ministries Association
conducts community outreach seminars and evangelistic 
meetings throughout the United States and internationally. We 
conduct revival meetings, soulwinning seminars, health 
symposiums, Cooking Schools, Archeology seminars, 
community outreach seminars on the prophetic books of Daniel 
and Revelation, and full-scale evangelistic meetings for 
thousands of people. Often our meetings are transmitted live via 
satellite to multiple countries simultaneously.

Check our schedule for this year and if you are in the area of one of our meetings, we would love to have you join us.

The Preached Word Changes Lives

Success Stories